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Not a single method is sufficient to evaluate mycotoxin binder, so following point should be keep in consideration when you choosing mycotoxinboinder
- Based on latest available technology
- It must be safe i.e. not ill effect to the body
- Heavy metal level should be within legal permissible limit
- Having additional advantage of immunity stimulating factors
- It should be also having ammonia hepatoprotective&hepatogenic property
- In commercial feed mill efficiency it should have anti caking agent & pellet binding enhancer
Poultry litter consists of bedding material (shavings, rice hulls etc.), manure, feathers and other components.
Keeping litter dry is a critical part of overall management on every poultry farm due to improper management like excess humidity in house, not properly mixed litters in routine basis and other reasons litter become wet and may cause severe lesions of the foot pad. The lesions usually develop over several days, with progressive necrotic erosions of the soft tissue, accompanied by hemorrhages and inflammatory reactions. Any foot pad lesions are undoubtedly cause of distress, but in more severe cases these lesions are associated with severe pain and markedly decreased walking ability. Impact on broilers’ welfare is significant.
This is a condition characterized by interstitial connective tissue accumulation or fibrosis in the pectoralis major muscle of the commercial broiler creating remarkable economic loss to farmers. Previously, etiologies for such morphologic changes was indicated to be nutritional causes, such as deficiency of selenium and/or vitamin E, excess of their antagonists, and ionophore toxicity; hypoxia; and genetic vulnerabilities. However, recent investigations suggest the condition is related to heavy weight and/or rapid growth rate of broilers causing myodegeneration of the anterior latissimusdorsi (ALD) muscle and macroscopic white striping of pectoralis and thigh muscles.
Yes, most of the case studies shows that when we using essential oils with some organic acids as a preventive measures, there is a less occurrence of diseases among poultry birds. In CRD or CCRD it is recommended as curative. It is also important in public health point of view and worries about increased antibody titre in poultry product.